miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

New Market Leader -Upper Intermediate- Practice File. Unit 1 p 7.

Write a short memo (70 - 80 words) to your Head of Department, including:

- a request to go on the course.
- why you think the course would be useful.
- some details about the course.
- an enquiry about the possibility of financial support towards the course fee.


From: To:
Date: Subject:

New Market Leader -Intermediate- Progress test 3. Units 9-11. B.

Read the following advert about a business award. Then write a letter of 120 to 140 words.

Business Ethics Award
Celebrating ethical businesses!

Write to us to let us know which company you think should win this year’s award. State clearly:
• The name of the company you are nominating and its area of business
• Three reasons for nominating this company

Deadline for nominations: 3rd March

New Market Leader -Intermediate- Progress test 3. Units 9-11. A.

You work for a pharmaceutical company. You have recently received the quote below for maintenance work on one of your machines. Write a brief letter of reply, accepting the quote. Write 40 to 50 words.

Mr Mallory
MM Mecanics
28 Ardleigh Way
London E10 7NB

4th March 2005

Dear Mr Mallory

With reference to your enquiry of 21 February I am pleased to submit the following quotation for the maintenance work specified:

£4,295 – this includes VAT.

Payment terms are 30 days.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely

(Handwritten signature*)
Stacey Trelawney

Intelligent Business Upper Intermediate. Unit 2. Page 22.

Write the minutes of your meeting to circulate to senior management (See Stjyle Guide page 26.)

Intelligent Business Upper Intermediate. Unit 2. Page 21.

Choose one of the projects in Speaking exercise 1 and write an email to your team, summarising the goals that you agreed on with your manager. (See Style Guide, page 20.)

*Speaking 1 (Senior Manager & Project Leader have already set goals (time, resources and budget) together for each of the projects below:
1. (PL) Taking responsibility for organising the transfer of company's headquarters to a new location.
2. (PL) Preparing a one-week training course for senior executives.
3. (PL) Creating a new company website.
4. (PL) Organising the company's annual sales conference.)

lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010

New Market Leader -Upper Intermediate- Unit 3 p 29

Choose a company you're familiar with. Write a sales letter to Roger Eastwood, one of a group priority customers. Outline a special offer which you are making to this priority customer group. Make your letter appear as personalised as possible.
-> Writing file page 138.